Get your personal insurance quote by filling out the form below: 


Important Information: 

  • Make sure the details below are for the main policyholder (the person taking out the policy).
  • Privacy: We value your private information – as such, we won’t share your personal details with any third party without your consent or knowledge.
  • Technology may have changed, but our approach hasn’t. We pride ourselves on drawing upon our multigenerational insurance expertise and aligning it with your personal needs to create an insurance policy that is competitive, but more importantly, that is reliable. To achieve this, we need to get to know you and/or your business a bit better. This form is the first step in that process.


Preferred method of communication

What do you need covered?

What do you need covered?

Are you currently Insured?

3 + 7 =


35 Oxford Office Park 
3 Bauhinia Street 
Highveld Techno Park 


012 942 9556

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